When you think of Christmas, the first image that may come to your mind is that of Santa Claus loaded with presents in his crimson bag. In this image that you have just created in your imagination, pay attention to the presents. What do you see?

We are not going to trouble you too long, so we are telling you that the presents are beautifully packaged, neat and in harmony with the festive atmosphere of the season. All the products are put in beautiful boxes, wrapped in Christmas paper and the colorful ribbons play the leading part. This is, after all, the image of the presents we need under our Christmas tree.

How and why do all the above apply to you as a businessperson? We continue to analyze why Christmas is the right time to invest in a custom holiday packaging and why you should plan as far ahead as possible.

1. Sales growth

How does sales growth relate to a custom holiday package? At a time when many businesspeople are unaware of the commercial value of "custom packaging" and the benefits they may obtain, you can make a difference, beat the competition and see your sales skyrocket by investing in "custom holiday packaging".

And even if, in the course of the year, consumers perhaps turn a blind eye to the packaging their order is received, the same is not true during the holiday season. At Christmas, your customers pay special attention to the packaging of their purchases. It must be noted that "52% of consumers who have received their order in custom packaging, claim that they are more likely to return to the same company for future purchases" (source: GWP).

2. Reputation enhancement

Certainly, from your side you have done as many advertising actions as your budget can afford to promote your products. But you can enhance your reputation and reach a wider audience through your custom holiday packaging. How? Through the "unboxing" experience.

A satisfied customer who will be thrilled with the packaging in which they will receive their purchase, is very likely to share their experience on social media and in turn influence their followers. Recent surveys reveal that "40% of consumers who have received their order in custom packaging, will share at least one photo on social media" (source: Dotcom Distribution). Who doesn’t want some extra minutes of publicity?

And since we saw that by investing in a custom package you can achieve the two most important goals of every business: brand awareness and sales, it's time to understand why 76% of brands prepare for Christmas from October to mid-November.

November includes a short fortnight of discounts, the consumers’ favorite "Black Friday" and "Cyber ​​Monday". That is, three periods that require 100% of your attention and therefore there would not be a lot of time for you to engage in your holiday preparation. At the end of November, the holiday season begins immediately and if you have not already been properly prepared, your customers will order their first Christmas presents and unfortunately you will not have a holiday package for their delivery. And remember, consumers are looking for nice and festive packages.

This year, of course, there is another determining factor for you to start your preparation on time. Consumers have had a bad experience of terrible delays in the delivery of their orders from last year and for this reason they will avoid last minute purchases. After all, who needs a present that will arrive in the new year? This condition definitely requires you to be sure that you can meet the needs of your customers.

And how are you going to do that?

At PackItup you will find innovative ideas and smart solutions to offer custom packaging to your customers. We are at your disposal to create added value to your products and to provide you this year too with unique options directly, on time and at affordable prices. If the Christmas spirit calls you, contact us.